
مرکز سورنا

شرکت دانش بنیان تولیدی سورنا صنعت خاوران پس از سال ها تجربه در سال 83 شروع به کار کرد. این شرکت با بهره گیری از انواع متخصصین در حوزه های مختلف و با استفاده از دانش فنی بدست آمده به تولید و ثبت اختراع انواع دستگاه ها با گرایش عصب روانشناسانه گامی در جهت تعالی انسان و اقتصاد بردارد.
Usage of brain analysis in organization

Techniques such as fMRI, QEEG and ERP can capture and track the activity of the individual’s brain while performing various activities.
There are four important and common areas in both the field of leadership and organizational management (office) and neuroscience that have been integrated into neurodevelopment: decision-making and problem-solving, emotional regulation, teamwork and impact on others, and facilitating the process of change (individual and organizational )

The aspects of Psychological use of brain

The human brain has extensive ability to communicate politically, economically, socially, and … Many human behavior and reactions are indirectly applied. We know that the brain hides the decision-making process. Cognitive neuroscience, physiology, psychology, etc., were able to reveal the unconscious decision making process. We know that, what factors brain consider in decision making? This decision-making methods are divided into 40 distinct groups.

Usage of brain analysis in industry

Industry products are closely linked to customer opinions, knowing more about consumer’s decisions will have a direct impact on products, services and sales.

This system can analyze the reactions of personnel, customer and … And provides accurate information about how to optimize the goods, sell and supply the product.

Use brain analysis in various industries and brain satisfaction of products and  .services is the main factor of success and lasting in the market

The Impact of Brain Analysis on Jobs

Work, communication, economic pressures and … Every day, makes businesses more competitive. The quality and speed of work relies on the modern science in these days and anyone who uses more comprehensive and accurate information he could have a better business development and use opportunities more accurately and quickly. Enhance people’s capabilities and maximize their abilities along with having comprehensive information about their business and customers they Have been able to provide job satisfaction.

Sorena Sanat Khavaran Knowledge Based Company

Sorena be honored to providing services in 40 specialized fields and 72 brain special analysis activities

Please pay attention to five points about Sorena services

What is certain in each business, depending on its type, faces to several challenges for promotion and improvement

In this time industries and businesses face to some challenges such as finance, marketing, upgrading, product, contract, negotiating, wide competition market, and many intra-organizational issues, and even work force, and lack of effective advertising and …

The Sorna Center has been able to study about sensory, cognitive, emotional, neuronal responses of costumers by using technological tools and we use this knowledge to improve the business in economic, cultural, social, and other fields.


This science is your business research which studies on sensory, cognitive and emotional responses of customers against the stimuli presented in the market and uses tools such as FMRI and QEEG and other tools to measure the activity of different parts of the brain when faced to stimuli. In this science, body states are measured when faced with advertising, emotional, psychological stimuli, states such as heart rate and sweating.

We do not measure the external attributes of the people’s attitude toward the product or its features, we measure the source, the brain. The activity of various brain regions and physiological reactions of the body to a product is measured and we get the most accurate answer. We deal only with the brain as the center of affection, not with the buyer’s remarks.


We do not always buy consciously. We often buy on effect of brain, emotions and feelings. It’s interesting to know that 95% of our decisions for buy a good or receive a service are unconscious and only 5% of our decisions are conscious.

We often do the things by unconscious mind, this method is a very powerful tool for understanding the unconscious mind of customers. Neuroscience scientists use different tools such as MRI and Brain mappings to observe brain activities Which analyze the data leads to the discovery of unconscious that even costumers that even customers don’t know anything about it.


The role of neuroscience in branding is very wide, managers are looking for stimuli that can penetrate on their customer’s mind. With extensive research on neuromarketing and according to the product and its effect on human’s brain it can be examined which advertising or which types of sales or even the social activities, and which slogan can affect the costumers more. In fact, the way that managers consider for sale their product by cognitive science and human’s brain map prepared and give to them, this will allow the companies that produce the product or service to achieve their goals in the best possible way.


Design a system for selecting and transferring the work force based on their brain function and individual abilities and talents.

Design more effective education programs based on brain, needs, demands, reactions, behaviors of personnel and different job conditions.

Design and use of motivational systems based on knowledge of brain responses to rewards and punishments.

Facilitate the process of shifting in organizations based on knowledge about brain responses to threats and opportunities.

Providing optimal and effective job patterns based on the knowledge and information provided by wrong style jobs such as long working hours and …

Identify career and organizational goals based on knowledge that obtain from talent, skills and abilities employees.

Determine the patterns of team work through knowledge based on the impact of brain function on individual behavior in individual and group work and their behavioral and emotional responses.

Change in attitudes toward work, especially about how to work together and how to deal with lower-level staff (management style) to make workplace and employees more effective, more motivated, happier, more creative and successful.

It's time to change your business

In today’s world competition and efficiency of the system is the reason for long-term survival. Neuroscience helps us to have comprehensive information about interests. Psychology describe the process of behavior and with the help of sensory measurements of people, any reaction can be predicted.

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Offices industry Group neurology subject sorena's activities